Upton School 1894-1981
Upton School 1894-1981

Building the School House

From “Notes on Upton”, begun in 1890 by Canon Parker… September 15th, 1892 – At a meeting of the School Board this week, the Condemnation of the existing National School at the Chapel in Upton by my Lords was discussed and it was decided to build a new school at Upton . August 5th, 1893  – Today we have commenced the work of grubbing the trees in Attwood’s orchard at the corner between Lansdown Lane and Marshfield Lane. There are numerous apple trees and some walnuts. The new school is to be built here. Long of Longwell Green has the contract. December 10th, 1894 – This morning we planted the three cornered space below the School House with various trees and shrubs according to a plan made out by my wife.

Upton School Heads Photo courtesy Joyce Cooper
Upton School Heads Photo courtesy Joyce Cooper

Further Information

Further information on the school anniversary is shown in a brochure – please use the following link: Upton Cheyney School Brochure. pdf

Jim Allen, a pupil in the 1920s has written of his memories at the school – please use the following link: Basic Education in 1920s Upton Cheyney School

Meredic Hallett, who was at the school in the 1960s has the following memories: Upton Cheyney School by Meredic Hallett

Upton Cheyney School

The school was built in 1894, although there has been a school in the village since 1849 when, according to the minutes of the local United Reform Church, the need for a school was realised.

Extract from the minutes of the United Reform Church

The village of Upton being destitute of a Day-School, and having land attached to the Chapel, this being made known to a kind friend in Bristol. viz ..T. Holmes Esq.. he gave us one hundred pounds to erect a School House, which was effected for the sum of one hundred and seventeen pounds. It was opened on 25th Tune 1849, under very encouraging prospects, having forty children in attendance, likewise having a suitable female teacher, viz ., Miss Haskins of Kingswood Hill , under the following arrangement. that is to say, the above teacher to receive two pence per week from each child as her own, let the number be more or less, and that the Committee managing the affairs of the above school agrees to give the said teacher £10 per year extra for the children’s pence, likewise to have the privilege of living in the School House free of rent.

Upton School Pupils 1895 Photo courtesy Joyce Cooper
Upton School Pupils 1895 Photo courtesy Joyce Cooper

Head Teachers

1894-1899   Elenore M. Panizza

1899-1905   Frederick Dewsbery Bott

1905-1910   Lina Bannister

1910-1923   Marie Nicholas

1923-1925   A. Walley

1926-1932   A.M. Stockall

1932 -1953   M.E. Fulker

1954-1962   A. M Daniels

1962-1966   Barbara Exon

1966-1981   Joyce Cooper
